Working with you as a team with results that fully satisfy your legal needs.
i. Fruit, Dill, Goodwin and Scholl is qualified to represent our clients in all legal areas.
ii. We take pride in providing quality legal services at a decent cost.
iii. We have earned a reputation throughout Mercer County for representing our clients in a professional and ethical manner since 1914.

We have a team of highly-skilled and experienced staff.

Chester B. Scholl

James M. Goodwin

Thomas Allen Dill

Emily Emsatto
Our past esteemed colleagues
a. FRED T. FRUIT: (1911-1978)
b. EMRYS G. FRANCIS: (1927-1957)
c. CHESTER B. SCHOLL: (1943-1993)
d. W. ALLEN DILL: (1948-2003)
e. DAVID GOODWIN: (1953-2014)
Legal support staff
1. Front Row: Carol Scholl, Tayler Ditmer
2. Back Row: Chris Meszaros, Linda Mihalcin, Teri Book
3. Wendy McCarthy